By Marlon Redding. Last Updated 2nd December 2022. This guide to data protection breach claims against Transform Hospital Group is designed to offer advice and inform you of your legal rights.
The Hospital Group Data Breach
The Transform Hospital Group is a private cosmetic and weight loss surgery provider and is otherwise known as The Hospital Group. The company also provides non-surgical treatments.
When we visit professionals for prospective cosmetic surgery, we trust in their advice. You also provide them with the personal information they need. This may include your contact details.
And, if you decide to proceed with the surgery, you may agree to provide more sensitive material such as photographs of yourself before and after treatment.
If these photographs or personal information aren’t correctly secured, they could be unlawfully accessed by unauthorised parties, which is what happened in the Hospital Group data breach. We’ll look at this in more detail below.
Were you monetarily or psychologically harmed by a cosmetic surgery data breach? You might be eligible to claim compensation if you can evidence a justifiable claim. To see if you could make a data breach compensation claim, contact Legal Helpline.
Call us on 0161 6969 685. Or you can make an online enquiry for a callback at a time that’s best for you. Our advisors are ready to take your call at any time.
Select A Section
- A Guide On Data Protection Breach Claims Against Transform Hospital Group
- What Are Data Protection Breach Claims Against Transform Hospital Group?
- The GDPR And Third-Party Data Sharing Risks
- The Transform Hospital Group Data Breach
- Transform Data Breach – Online Compensation Calculator
- Hospital Group Data Breach – What Could You Include In A Claim?
- What Is The Information Commissioner’s Office And How Can It Help You?
- Transform Data Breach – Can A No Win No Fee Solicitor Provide Advice?
- How Do You Make A Medical Data Breach Compensation Claim?
- What To Do When Your Data Is Breached
- Submit Your Data Breach Claim
- FAQs On Breaches Of Data Protection
- Where To Learn More
A Guide On Data Protection Breach Claims Against Transform Hospital Group
The Transform Hospital Group, also known as The Hospital Group, is a private provider of cosmetic procedures. The group also carries out weight loss procedures such as gastric band surgery.

Transform Hospital Group data breach compensation claims guide
All businesses have to protect the personal data they collect and process from customers, employees and others in the UK. People who have their personal information processed are data subjects. The business that decides how and why they’ll process this information is a data controller.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) states the following:
- To safeguard personal data, data controllers should have proper data management and security systems in place.
- Moreover, if a data breach occurs, the company could be held liable for any financial or mental damages caused to data subjects. As a result, the data subjects could claim compensation.
Cosmetic surgery providers should show vigilance in protecting the personal data they process. Firstly, because a patient’s medical data records are of a personal nature, a breach of medical data privacy can be highly sensitive. If hackers steal personal data, they may use it for ransom, extortion or blackmail purposes.
You may be eligible to claim compensation if you have been affected financially or psychologically by a data breach. This guide will explain more about a potential data protection breach claim against Transform Hospital Group.
Contact Legal Helpline today if you have evidence that you’ve been affected by a personal data breach. If we can see that you are owed compensation, we could connect you with our panel of lawyers.
Medical Data Breach Claim Time Limits
These are the time limits for making a data breach claim in the UK:
- You will usually have six years to begin your compensation claim from when you got knowledge of the personal data breach.
- However, you will have one year if the data breach violated your human rights.
What Are Data Protection Breach Claims Against Transform Hospital Group?
Data breaches are security incidents that involve personal data. The security incident causes personal data to be accessed, destroyed, disclosed, changed or lost without authorisation or unlawfully.
Data breaches can happen because of human error or because of malicious actions such as a cyberattack, for example. An individual may suffer emotional distress if their personal data is breached. What’s more, they may experience financial losses.
Data breaches can include the following mishaps:
- Leaking of personal data
- Data becoming lost or stolen
- 3rd parties gaining unauthorised access to data
- Sharing personal data without permission or unlawfully
- Personal data becoming encrypted or altered
How can medical data breaches take place?
Data breaches can happen because of staff errors. For example, they may post a letter containing private medical information to the wrong patient. In that instance, they may be sharing medical data with an unauthorised third party. Therefore, if the patient whose data was shared suffers mental harm or financial loss, they may be eligible to claim medical data breach compensation.
As we have mentioned, private healthcare providers may be targeted by hackers and other cybercriminals. For example, criminals can use information accessed in a cosmetic surgery data breach to blackmail and extort money from patients or the provider. This information can include intimate photos of patients and details of procedures they have had done. Therefore, companies should take a proactive approach to data protection to safeguard their patients and staff.
Was your private medical information wrongfully accessed in a medical data breach? Did you endure financial loss or mental suffering as a consequence? If so, you may be owed personal data breach compensation. Contact Legal Helpline to find out more about making your claim.
The GDPR And Third-Party Data Sharing Risks
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of EU legislation. It serves to protect the data security and privacy of the general public. The Data Protection Act 2018 enacts the GDPR into the UK’s data privacy laws.
The data subject is an individual whose personal data is collected by an organisation. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, organisations cannot share personal data without permission from the data subject. However, there are lawful exceptions to this.
Organisations that decide why and how to collect, process and store personal data are data controllers. Similarly, the data processor is an external business that the organisation may hire to carry out the role of processing.
Under the GDPR, data controllers and data processors should do the following:
- Firstly, the data subject should consent to have their data collected.
- Secondly, the data controller should explain why the data is being collected. The organisation should not use the data for any other purpose. (However, they can legally share data without consent and for different reasons in certain circumstances.)
If a GDPR data breach occurs, the organisation may be fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office. What’s more, the data subject could make a data breach claim against the organisation if they endure psychological harm or financial loss.
The Transform Hospital Group Data Breach
A potential Transform Hospital data breach took place in December 2020. A group of hackers known as REvil carried out a ransomware attack and may have stolen the personal information of patients. This potentially included before and after patient photographs. The cyber hackers threatened to publish these online if the company did not pay a ransom.
Understandably, cosmetic surgery is a delicate subject for many. Many people who have had a cosmetic procedure wish to keep it private.
If you can prove you were affected by a personal data breach, Legal Helpline could help you. Call our helpline today to speak to a claims advisor about making data protection breach claims. We could connect you with our panel of solicitors.
What Is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software), which is used to attack computer systems. The ransomware blocks access to or encrypts data. Unless a ransom is paid, the criminals generally say they won’t return the data to the organisation. Essentially, they may steal personal data and threaten to publish it in the public domain.
Other types of malware or cyber-attacks include the following:
- Rootkits allow criminals to gain control of another person’s computer without them knowing it.
- Spyware allows criminals to monitor another person’s computer activities covertly.
- A Disturbed Denial of Service or DDoS attack is when a server or website is shut down. This is often done to extort money from a business or organisation.
- Bots can be malicious internet robots that can take over a computer.
Cosmetic surgery data could be valuable to cybercriminals. Therefore, companies must ensure they have robust cybersecurity networks in place to protect any personal data they hold.
This guide to data protection breach claims against Transform Hospital Group aims to give information to help you. If you need us though, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Transform Hospital Group Data Breach – Am I Eligible To Claim Compensation
You may be wondering, ‘could I receive compensation after a Transform Hospital Group data breach?’. This section will look at when you might be eligible to claim personal data breach compensation.
You may be eligible to start a data breach claim if the failings of a data controller or processor compromised your personal data and caused you harm. For example, your online banking may be hacked if your bank does not take appropriate cyber security measures to protect your data.
You can gather evidence to support your claim, such as:
- Evidence that shows your data was breached by the faulting party. If there has been a data breach, you may receive a notification from the company holding your personal data. This can be used as further confirmation that your personal data was breached.
- Evidence that you suffered some form of harm; psychological or financial. If you have suffered psychologically because of a breach, you are able to make a claim even if you did not suffer any financial loss. Evidence can include bank statements for financial loss.
You could call our advisors to get free legal advice during an initial consultation with no obligation to claim with us afterwards. They can advise on the steps you could take should a Transform data breach occur.
Transform Data Breach – Online Compensation Calculator
You may be wondering, if a Transform Hospital Group data breach were to occur, how much compensation you could receive in a potential claim. It’s important to note that you would only receive compensation from a data breach involving any hospital group if:
- You’ve suffered either material (financial) or non-material (psychological) damages as a result of the breach.
- The data breach occurred because the data controller or data processor in question mishandled your personal data.
The Judicial College Guidelines can give you a better idea of what you could receive for non-material damages. Non-material damages relate to any psychological injuries, such as stress, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused as a result of the breach. The potential compensation amount depends on factors including the severity of your injury and how badly the injury has negatively impacted your life.
These figures have been taken from the guidelines published in 2022 – the latest ones available. Please bear in mind that they are designed to give a general overview of your potential compensation, as every claim is different.
Psychiatric / Psychological Injury Type | Injury Description | Severity | Compensation Estimate |
Psychiatric Damage | Victims could have sustained markedly severe forms of issues with the factors already highlighted. | Severe | £54,830 to £115,730 |
Psychiatric Damage | Victims could experience problems with the same factors such as those highlighted above. This person will have a better prognosis than those with a severe degree of injury. | Moderately severe | £19,070 to £54,830 |
Psychiatric Damage | The claimant could be affected with issues around continuing in education or in work. They may also experience difficulty in their relationships. They should however have a better prognosis than the person below. | Moderate | £5,860 to £19,070 |
Psychiatric Damage | Victims of psychiatric damage could be awarded settlements which account for how severe the injury and any disability resulting from it. | Less severe | £1,540 to £5,860 |
PTSD | At this level of severity the affected person will have suffered some permanent degree of post-traumatic stress disorder. | Severe | £59,860 to £100,670 |
PTSD | The claimant will have suffered severe symptoms and effects of PTSD. However, the person will be affected to a lesser degree than the category below. | Moderately severe | £23,150 to £59,860 |
PTSD | The claimant could be left with some residual effects of their PTSD, however this should not be considered grossly disabling. | Moderate | £8,180 to £23,150 |
PTSD | A full recovery should be made within a period of one to two years. | Less severe | £3,950 to £8,180 |
If you would like an estimate relating to your specific injury or if you want to know if you’re eligible to claim, please contact us for a free consultation using the details above.
Hospital Group Data Breach – What Could You Include In A Claim?
If you’ve been affected by the Hospital Group data breach, it’s possible you could claim. If so, you may be able to claim compensation. For instance, if you could prove a Transform data breach occurred, then there are a few things you could be compensated for.
For example:
- Psychological harm – The loss or unauthorised distribution of your personal data, such as medical records, could result in the development of an anxiety disorder or depression.
- Financial impact – Some private healthcare companies may keep your bank details on file. If this information falls into the wrong hands, then your personal finances may be affected. If you experience financial loss as the result of a data breach, then the amount you lose could be reimbursed to you as part of your settlement.
If you’d like more information about claiming for a data breach against a hospital group, get in touch with our advisors today.
What Is The Information Commissioner’s Office And How Can It Help You?
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), is a public body in the United Kingdom. It exists to enforce data protection laws and uphold the data privacy rights of the public.
The ICO has the power to fine companies when a data breach occurs. They can also investigate a company’s data privacy practices.
If you believe you are the victim of a cosmetic surgery data breach, the ICO could help you. Before contacting the ICO, we recommend that you contact the surgery company so you’re raising concerns formally. They may be able to settle the matter internally.
However, we recommend that you report the company to the ICO if you are not satisfied with the response you receive. And they may be able to investigate the matter.
However, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office within three months of your last meaningful contact with the company. This is because delays can impact the ICO’s decisions.
Transform Data Breach – Can A No Win No Fee Solicitor Provide Advice?
If you have been affected by a data breach, you could reach out to a member of our team for a free evaluation of your claim. This could give you a chance to speak to a claims advisor about your eligibility to claim and learn about whether you could do so with the help of a No Win No Fee solicitor.
There are typically no upfront fees to pay a No Win No Fee solicitor. Often a No Win No Fee solicitor will use a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which both the claimant and client will sign. This means both parties are entering into an agreement that, on the condition the claim succeeds, the solicitor receives a success fee.
The success fee is a percentage of your compensation award. This percentage is capped by law. If the claim fails, you are not required to pay your solicitor.
You can reach out now for a free case assessment or to learn more about the actions you could take if you were affected by the Hospital Group data breach i.e.the Transform data breach.
How Do You Make A Medical Data Breach Compensation Claim?
In this section of our guide looking at what makes potentially valid data protection breach claims against Transform Hospital Group, we look at data breach claim solicitors.
It’s important to note that you don’t need to use the services of a solicitor to claim. You could claim alone. However, we believe data breach solicitors can provide you with the help you may require.
What are the advantages of using a skilled data breach lawyer to handle your claim?
- A data breach solicitor can assess your claim accurately.
- Moreover, they can negotiate with the other side on your behalf, to try and win you the highest amount of compensation possible for your case.
- What’s more, our panel of solicitors all operate on a No Win No Fee basis. That means you wouldn’t have to pay their legal fees if your case loses.
What To Do When Your Data Is Breached
Do you believe that a company has breached your medical data privacy? We recommend you first contact them directly to confirm whether or not there has been a personal data breach. This is because you may be able to resolve the matter internally.
What can you do, if you are not satisfied after consulting the company? You could contact the ICO within 3 months of their final response.
If you’ve suffered psychologically or financially because of a data breach, we recommend you seek a legal representative to help you handle your claim.
Contact Legal Helpline today for your free data breach claims consultation. If we can see that you are owed compensation, our panel of solicitors could start working on your claim right away.
Submit Your Data Breach Claim
Contact us using the details below.
- Call our compensation claims helpline on 0333 000 0729.
- Use our online enquiry form.
- Ask an advisor a question via our chat widget.
FAQs On Breaches Of Data Protection
What does the ICO do?
The Information Commissioner’s Office’s role is to uphold data breach laws in the United Kingdom. It is also responsible for protecting the data privacy rights of the public.
What documents do I need to claim for a data breach?
A company should write to you if they breach your personal data. This can be used as evidence to make a claim. You can also use medical evidence to prove you suffered psychologically and financial documents to prove your financial loss.
What tools can help me claim for a data breach?
Instead of using an online data breach claims calculator, we recommend you contact a professional directly. Our advisors give free legal advice with no obligation for you to proceed with our services.
What are my data privacy rights?
Your data privacy rights include the right to be informed on how your personal data will be used and the right to access your personal data.
Where To Learn More
Read our guide on No Win No Fee.
Find out more about GDPR data breach compensation.
We also have a guide on employer data breach claims.
ICO definition of personal data breaches.
A government guide on how to make a complaint for data privacy breaches.
You can learn more about your data protection rights in this government guide.
Thank you for reading our guide on what could justify valid data protection breach claims against Transform Hospital Group.
Written by HC
Edited by RV