This is a guide on when you could be eligible to begin a personal injury claim following an accident at work caused by oil. It will discuss the criteria that need to be satisfied in order for you to have valid grounds to pursue compensation, including the time limit for starting legal proceedings. Additionally, it will explore the steps you could take as part of the accident at work claims process, including the evidence that could be collected to build a strong case.
There are various ways in which an accident at work can be caused by oil. In some cases, an employer could breach the duty of care they owe. We will explore the legislation that outlines their duty and the ways they could fail to adhere to it in more detail throughout our guide.
Additionally, we will explore the compensation you could be awarded for a successful case and how settlements are calculated.
Finally, we will discuss the benefits of working with a solicitor on a No Win No Fee basis and the ways they could benefit both you and your claim.
If you would like to find out whether you have a valid claim, you can speak to one of our advisors today. They can assess your case for free and answer any questions you may have after reading our guide. To get in touch, you can:
- Fill out our contact form
- Call us on 0333 000 0729
- Message us on our live chat
Select A Section
- Making A Claim For An Accident At Work Caused By Oil
- How Could An Accident At Work Caused By Oil Injure You?
- How Do I Show My Employer Was Negligent?
- Estimating Payouts For An Accident At Work Caused By Oil
- Talk To Our Team About How To Make A Claim
- Learn More About Oil Related Accidents At Work
Making A Claim For An Accident At Work Caused By Oil
In order to be eligible to pursue a personal injury claim following an accident at work caused by oil, you must be able to show that negligence occurred. This means that:
- Your employer owed you a duty of care.
- There was a breach of this duty.
- This breach led to an accident that caused your injury.
The duty of care your employer owes is set out by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This means they need to take steps that are considered both practicable and reasonable as a way to prevent injury to you, as an employee, while at work, or as you carry out your work-related tasks. Some of the steps an employer needs to take to uphold their duty of care include:
- Carrying out regular risk assessments and acting on any hazards they find to either remove or reduce the risk of injury.
- Providing necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), such as goggles, gloves, and hard hats.
- Providing adequate training.
If their duty of care is not upheld, it could result in you experiencing physical injuries, psychological harm, or both as a result. If your case meets the criteria laid out above, you may be able to seek personal injury compensation. However, you also need to ensure you start your claim within the limitation period set out in the Limitation Act 1980. This is generally three years from the accident date, although exceptions can apply.
To learn more about eligibility and how long you have to claim for an accident at work, get in touch using the number above.
How Could An Accident At Work Caused By Oil Injure You?
There are several types of injuries that could be sustained from an accident at work caused by oil. For example:
- Burns and scarring to the body and face.
- Dermatitis from prolonged and frequent contact with used engine oil.
- Fractured and broken bones due to slips or falls on spilled oil.
- A head injury from a slip and fall on spilled oil, such as brain damage and concussion.
It’s important to note that not all injuries sustained in the workplace will have resulted from employer negligence. As such, you may not always be eligible to seek personal injury compensation.
To discuss your specific case, please get in touch with an advisor via the number at the top of the page.
How Do I Show My Employer Was Negligent?
In order to prove employer negligence, you should gather evidence. For example:
- CCTV footage of the incident.
- A diary detailing your treatment and symptoms, including the impact your injuries have had on your life physically and emotionally.
- Medical records, such as copies of scans and prescriptions.
- Witness contact information so that a statement can be collected from them at a later date.
- A copy of the incident report laid out in the workplace accident book.
A solicitor from our panel could help you collect evidence and build your case. Additionally, they can guide you through the different aspects of the personal injury claim process. To find out more about the services they can offer and whether you could be eligible to work with them, get in touch on the number above.
Estimating Payouts For An Accident At Work Caused By Oil
Following a successful claim, you will receive compensation for the physical pain and emotional suffering caused by your injuries. This is awarded under general damages. In order to calculate this head of claim, solicitors can use the guideline compensation amounts listed in the Judicial College Guidelines. You can find some of these figures in the table below. However, please note, these figures are not guaranteed as each claim is unique.
Compensation Figures
Injury Severity Level Guideline Value Notes
Brain Injury Moderate (i) £150,110 to £219,070 An intellectual deficit of a moderate to severe nature, a change in personality and an effect on the senses. There is also a significant epilepsy risk and no employment prospects.
Scarring to Other Parts of the Body Significant Burns Likely to exceed £104,830 Burns covering 40% or more of the body.
Scarring to Other Parts of the Body Noticeable Laceration Scars Or A Single Disfiguring Scar £7,830 to £22,730 These will affect the legs, arms, hands, back or chest.
Scarring to Other Parts of the Body Noticeable Scar Or Several Superficial Scars £2,370 to £7,830 These will affect the legs, arms, hands, back or chest and there is a cosmetic deficit of a minor nature.
Facial Disfigurement Very Severe £29,780 to £97,330 There is a very disfiguring effect cosmetically and there is a severe psychological reaction.
Facial Disfigurement Less Severe £17,960 to £48,420 Substantial disfigurement and a significant psychological reaction.
Facial Disfigurement Significant £9,110 to £30,090 The worst effects have been reduced by plastic surgery. There will be some cosmetic disability and an improved psychological reaction.
Back Injury Severe (iii) £38,780 to £69,730 Disc fractures and lesions or soft tissue injuries causing chronic conditions are included in this bracket.
What Other Losses Or Costs May You Claim For?
You could also be awarded compensation for any financial losses that you experience as a result of your injuries under special damages. Some examples of the costs you could claim back include:
- Travel costs.
- Medical costs.
- Loss of earnings.
- The cost of home adaptations.
You will need to provide evidence of these losses in order to claim them back. You can do so by keeping a record of any financial documentation, such as receipts, payslips, and invoices.
For more information on the personal injury compensation you could be awarded for injuries sustained in an accident at work caused by oil, get in touch with an advisor on the number above.
Talk To Our Team About How To Make A Claim
You may be eligible to work with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel. They offer their services, including helping you to gather evidence, under a contract called a Conditional Fee Agreement. Typically, this allows you access to their services without paying at the following times:
- Upfront
- While your claim proceeds
- After a failed claim
In the event that your claim completes successfully, your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your compensation. Whilst this is taken as a percentage, the amount your solicitor is able to take is restricted by the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, meaning you can’t be overcharged.
Get In Contact With Legal Helpline
We hope this guide has helped you understand when you could be eligible to begin a personal injury claim for a workplace accident. However, if you have any other questions, you can speak with an advisor. They can discuss eligibility criteria, time limits, and compensation payouts in more detail. Additionally, if they find you have a legitimate claim, they may connect you with a solicitor from our panel.
To find out more, you can:
- Contact us online
- Call us on 0333 000 0729
- Message us using our live chat feature
Learn More About Oil Related Accidents At Work
Below, we have provided more of our guides relating to workplace accident claims:
- Information about firefighter workplace accidents.
- Guidance on chemical burns at work claims.
- A guide on how to make a factory accident claim.
Additionally, we have provided more external resources:
- Health and Safety Executive – Risk Assessments
- NHS – First Aid
- GOV – Request CCTV Footage of Yourself
Thank you for reading our guide on making a claim for an accident at work caused by oil. If you have any further questions, please get in touch using the contact details provided earlier in our guide.
Written by MWH
Edited by MMI