I Had An Accident In A Co-op Food Supermarket, Could I Claim Compensation?

The Co-operative Food, known now as Co-op Food, is an established supermarket chain located across the United Kingdom. As a place of business, Co-op Food has a duty of care to both their customers and employees to ensure a safe environment has been provided, and hazardous risks reduced as much as reasonably possible. If Co-op Food were to breach this ethical and legal duty, it could make them liable in the event of an accident. Within this online guide, it shall discuss how our panel of solicitors could assist those that have been negligently injured in a supermarket and wish to make a personal injury claim. If you have any questions about the content that is being discussed within this guide, your claim, or the claims process, please speak to a member of our team. Our knowledgeable advisers can offer free legal advice of no obligation and answer any queries that you might have.

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A Guide To Personal Injury Claims Against Co-op Food

Personal injury claim against CO-OP Food supermarket adviceAn accident of any nature is never an anticipated event, especially those that are caused by a negligent third party. If you have been involved in a Co-op Food supermarket accident due to negligence and wish to make a claim, this online guide will be extremely beneficial to you, as it aims to provide information that is factual and relevant to the claims process. This guide will outline:

  • Personal injury claims calculator
  • Personal injury claims time limit
  • What a No Win No Fee agreement is

If at any point when reading this online guide you have additional questions or need further clarification, please speak with a member of our team. Our team of advisers are incredibly well-informed and can offer free legal advice of no obligation. Our phone lines are free to call, and our knowledgeable team of advisers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What Is A Personal Injury Claim Against A Supermarket?

A personal injury claim for compensation can be sought when an individual suffers harm at the hands of a negligent third party who neglectfully breaches their duty of care. For example, if you were injured in a Co-op Food supermarket due to negligence, you could have grounds to make a claim for compensation against Co-op Food. If you have been injured by third party negligence, you must begin the claim within the three-year time limit. A failure to start your case within this time frame will hinder your ability to make a claim against the negligent party. However, it is worth noting that there are exceptions which could affect the personal injury claims times limit, so please speak to a legal adviser for more information.

Examples Of How You Could Be Injured At A Supermarket

There are some circumstances where an accident in a supermarket could be a blameless turn of events where nobody is at fault. There are also situations when an accident in a supermarket could be caused by the negligence of a third party. If a supermarket like Co-op Food neglects their duty of care, it could cause;

  • Slips and trips
  • Allergic reactions
  • Trolley and roll cage incidents
  • Electrocution
  • Food poisoning
  • Equipment failure

How You Could Trip Or Fall In A Supermarket

A slip and trip hazard has the ability to inflict injury onto employees and customers. In 2018/9, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) stated that 29% of non-fatal injuries to employees involved slip, trips, and falls. The HSE also said that slips and trips within the workplace are often caused by one of three factors, which included walkways, housekeeping, design and maintenance. There are measures employers could perform to prevent accidents of this nature from occurring. Steps include:

Injuries Caused By An Accident With A Supermarket Trolley Or Roll Cage

Trollies and roll cages are incredibly effective for supermarkets, warehouses, and customers to manoeuvre goods from A to B. If an employee of Co-op Food neglectfully breaches their duty of care and causes harm to a customer with a roll cage, a solicitor from our panel could potentially help you make a personal injury claim against Co-op Food for compensation. Our knowledgeable advisers can offer free legal advice of no obligation and answer any queries that you might have.

Injuries Caused By Allergic Reactions

An allergic reaction is the body’s automatic response to a specific food protein that it disagrees with. The NHS state that food allergies are prevalent amongst younger children, and as they grow older, some childhood allergies could naturally disappear. Adults may also be affected by food-related allergies, and The Food Standards Agency has outlined some of the most common allergens:

  • Wheat
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Milk
  • Sesame
  • Mustard
  • Soybean
  • Peanut

To ensure allergic reactions have been prevented, supermarkets must abide by the standards that have been outlined by the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation. Within the legislation, it places emphasis on the importance of labelling allergens correctly and how labelling can help prevent incidents from occurring. If supermarkets were to neglect this duty of care and not highlight allergens within their food correctly, it could be considered a breach in the duty of care, making supermarkets liable for any injuries that occur. This legislation applies to food that is pre-packed, unpackaged, or freshly made. So if you have suffered an allergic reaction that was caused by negligence, please contact a member of our team today.

Injuries Due To Being Hit By An Object Falling On You

A falling object injury in a supermarket could cause severe injuries, and to prevent an accident of this nature from occurring, employers should provide training. However, if an employer were to neglect the training process, it could cause an employee to poorly stack an item, which in return could later fall onto a customer and cause them harm. In the event you have neglectfully been hit by a falling object and require our assistance, please speak with a member of our team. Our panel of solicitors could assist those that have been negligently injured in a supermarket and wish to make a personal injury claim.

Claim For An Accident When Working At A Supermarket

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state 1.4 million people between the years 2017 to 2018 suffered from a work-related illness. To prevent work-related incidents from occurring, employers should perform the appropriate safety measures, such as risk assessments, routine inspections, and provide training where applicable. If an employer were to neglect this crucial obligation, it could cause a negligent work-related incident to occur.

In the event you have been injured at your place of work due to employer negligence and wish to make a claim, a solicitor from our panel could potentially help you. In order to strengthen your claim, Citizen’s Advice has provided some steps you could consider. These steps include;

  • Seek medical attention.
  • Take photographic evidence.
  • Report the incident to your employer.
  • Make sure the incident is reported in the accident workbook (and keep a copy).
  • Swap contact information with anyone that witnessed the incident.

What Other Accidents Could Happen In A Supermarket?

Supermarkets often provide lifts and escalators for customers to use, car parks, trolleys, shopping baskets as well as eateries and toilet facilities. Accidents could happen almost anywhere in a supermarket some maybe just accidents and the fault of no one and some could be accidents that could have been avoided had the correct health and safety policies been implemented correctly. It is vital that supermarkets and other public spaces provide a safe and healthy environment for both employees and customers alike. Any hazards and foreseeable risks should be eliminated as much as possible. Supermarkets should perform routine inspections, maintenance, and ensure that all staff are trained accordingly so that they have the right skill set to do the job correctly and also so they are aware of what to do in the event of any potential hazards. If you have been injured in a supermarket and require the legal guidance of a solicitor, please contact a member of our team today.

What Duty Of Care Does A Supermarket Owe To Customers And Staff?

A duty of care helps to prevent injury and harm from occurring and creates a safe space for both employees and customers. Within the Occupiers Liability Act of 1984, it distinctly outlines that the owner/operator of premises owes a duty of care to whoever uses said premises. Therefore, the owner/occupier must perform applicable and appropriate safety measures to eradicate any risks. Therefore, supermarkets have a legal obligation to their customers’ and employees’ health and safety, and a failure to comply with this legislation could make them liable in the event of an accident.

Calculating Personal Injury Claims Against Supermarkets

Below we have provided a personal injury claims calculator that includes several compensation amounts. These figures are based on the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG).  It is worth remembering that any compensation you could be entitled to will be heavily influenced by the severity of your injuries and how they impact your day-to-day life. If you have any questions regarding the claims calculator, please contact a member of our team.

InjuryThe Severity of the InjuryAwarded Compensation Injury Description
Brain InjuryLess Severe Brain Damage£14,380 to £40,410An injury of this nature is often expected to make a well-rounded recovery, and the affected individual will take part in an active social life. However, memory loss or the disinhibition of mood could affect work prospects and leisure activities.
Brain InjuryVery Severe Brain Damage£264,650 to £379,100There will be little, if any, evidence of meaningful response to environment, little or no language function, double incontinence and the need for full-time nursing care.
Leg InjuryLess Serious Leg Injuries£16,860 to £26,050An injury of this nature would involve fractures where an incomplete recovery is made or serious soft tissue damage. This bracket will also include soft tissue damage that causes cosmetic defects, restrictive function, and nerve damage.
Leg InjuryLoss of Both Legs£225,960 to £264,650A settlement of this figure is in connection to the loss of both legs. (Above the knee). The level of award will be determined by factors such as the severity of phantom pains, psychological trauma, and the success of prosthetic.
Ankle InjuryModest InjuriesUp to £12,900An injury of this nature involves fractures, sprains, and ligamentous injuries. The level of compensation that is awarded will be determined by the recovery and pain.
Ankle InjuryVery Severe£46,980 to £65,420Examples of an injury of this nature are rare and unusual. They could include cases of transmalleolar fracture of the ankle, causing soft-tissue damage and deformity. In drastic cases, the leg might require a below-knee amputation.
Food Poisoning Significant discomfort£3,710 to £8,950An injury of this nature would involve food poisoning that causes significant discomfort, cramps, bowl alterations and fatigue. In some cases, hospital admission will be required, and symptoms last for a few weeks but complete recovery within a year or two.
Food PoisoningSerious but short-lived £8,950 to £18,020Food poisoning of this calibre is often expected to be serious but short-lived. Symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting will dissipate within two to four weeks. Some discomfort and disturbance could transcend beyond this time-frame, impacting sex life, the enjoyment of food, and could have longer consequences.

Compensation For Losses And Expenses

If you pursue a claim and are awarded compensation, the settlement amount will reflect the physical harm and financial loss you have experienced. Damages are awarded to those that experience injury, trauma, and financial loss after an accident, and they are split into two different categories that are legally referred to as General damages and Special Damages. To illustrate the differences between General damages and Special damages, we have provided some definitions.

General Damages – These are awarded for physical harm, such as broken legs and head injuries. General damages may also be awarded to those that endure psychological trauma, anxiety, new phobias, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Special Damages – These are awarded for financial loss due to an injury. For example, special damages could be awarded for;

  • The cost of care – If you require a nurse or a loved one to look after you.
  • Medical treatment – If you’ve paid for treatment that wasn’t available through the NHS.
  • Loss of earnings – If you missed out on wages/salary after taking time off to recover and heal.
  • Lowered earning possibilities – If your career prospects have been permanently altered.

No Win No Fee Supermarket Accident Compensation Claims

Here at Legal Helpline, our panel of solicitors operates under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), which may also be referred to as a No Win No Fee agreement. If a solicitor takes on a claim under this agreement and has a successful outcome, you will be required to pay a success fee for the services that have been provided. On the other hand, if a solicitor is unsuccessful, you will not be required to cover the costs for the legal fees of your solicitor.

If you require more information about this process and how it works, please reach out and contact a member of our team. An adviser from our team can outline the concept of CFA’s in greater length and answer any questions that you might have.

Could I Claim If Injured In A Supermarket?

If you have been negligently injured in a supermarket and choose to work with Legal Helpline, we could connect you to a solicitor from our panel that is best suited to handle your potential claim. We work with a renowned panel of solicitors that are well versed in personal injury law and have years of experience handling compensation claims. To begin a Co-op Food accident claim, please speak to an adviser from our team, as they know what specific information is needed and can offer you free legal advice.

Speak To Legal Helpline Today

To start a personal injury claim, please contact Legal Helpline. Our experienced advisers can address any concerns you might have and offer free legal advice of no obligation. Our phone lines are free to call, and our advisers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you wish to speak with an adviser, you can reach them on 0333 000 0729.

Alternatively, you can use our online form and have us contact you.

Supporting Resources

We hope that this online guide has successfully given you all the information on what to do after an accident in a supermarket. In addition to this guide, we have provided some additional materials.

Ankle Injury – What Compensation Could I Claim For An Ankle Injury?

Accident at Work – Could I Make A Claim Against A Negligent Employer? 

Warehouse Injury – Should My Employer Provide Me With Protective Gear? 

Guide by MN

Editors MA.