How A Rail And Train Accident Lawyer Can Help You Claim Compensation

In the UK, we are very fortunate that rail disaster is an extremely rare event. Even still, train accidents or accidents on trains do still occur. If you have been injured while riding the train, what can you do? Read this guide to learn why working with a train accident lawyer could well be the answer.

We explain how our panel’s solicitors can help you seek compensation for your injuries and the effect they have on you on a No Win No Fee basis. Additionally, we look at whether using a solicitor in your area is necessary or whether you can broaden your choices to ensure you get the best solicitor for your case. 

As well as providing statistics from the Office of Rail and Road, the independent safety regulator for Britain’s railways and monitor of National Highways who are responsible for ensuring that railway operators comply with health and safety law, we look at what potential accidents on a train could lead to a personal injury claim.

You can discuss your experience with an advisor and get free, helpful advice to give you an idea of what you could do next. If a potential next step is starting a personal injury claim, we can help with that too. All you need to do is either:

  • Phone us on 0161 696 9685.
  • Use our online enquiry form to contact us and share details.
  • Talk to an advisor through the live support feature below.

A close-up image of train tracks at sunrise.

Select A Section

  1. How Can A Rail And Train Accident Lawyer Help Me?
  2. Do Train Accident Lawyers Work On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  3. Do You Need A Train Accident Lawyer Near You?
  4. Rail Accident Statistics
  5. What Rail Or Train Accidents Can I Claim For?
  6. More Resources On Public Transport Accident Claims

How Can A Rail And Train Accident Lawyer Help Me?

If you’ve been injured in an accident on a train or at a station that was the fault of the train operator or occupier of the station, you might be wondering whether you could make a personal injury claim, and, if so,  is it worth getting legal representation? Working with a train accident lawyer from our panel has many benefits. For example, they can:

  • Make sure your claim is submitted within the time limit required by law.
  • Advise on, and support with, gathering useful evidence such as medical records or witness contact information.
  • Help you through steps designed to resolve a claim before it has to go to court.
  • Initiate court proceedings – though if you’re wondering how often personal injury claims go to court, the reality is that few of them do.
  • Negotiate with the train operator or their public liability insurance provider to secure fair compensation.
  • If your claim is successful, ensure that they recover damages for both the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the resulting expenses, such as medical bills or lost wages.
  • Keep you fully updated on how the process is going.

Now that you know how train injury lawyers can help you, all you need to do to find out whether you can get that legal support is call the number above for a free case evaluation.

A train accident lawyer standing next to their client in a court, facing a judge who is visible in the background.

Do Train Accident Lawyers Work On A No Win No Fee Basis?

Our panel is made up of personal injury solicitors with extensive experience in handling train accident claims, and they offer a type of No Win No Fee deal under a Conditional Fee Agreement. Under this agreement:

  • You don’t pay for the solicitor’s work in advance or throughout the whole process.
  • They won’t ask for a solicitor fee at all if the claim fails.
  • If your case wins and you recover compensation, the success fee that goes to the solicitor is a small percentage of what you receive. The percentage being small is guaranteed due to The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, which sets out a strict legal cap.

When you call for a free consultation, an advisor can cover the benefits of making a No Win No Fee claim and answer any questions you might have.

Do You Need A Train Accident Lawyer Near You? 

In the past, you might have needed to ensure the law firm you choose is based locally so you could visit their office with ease. Nowadays, this isn’t necessary. Your train accident case could be handled remotely, with discussions taking place over the phone or online. All relevant forms and documents could be exchanged via email, or through the post if you prefer.

While you can, of course, choose to go with a local option, the only important thing is that you secure the services of an experienced train accident lawyer who:

  • Understands train accident claims back-to-front.
  • Is a good communicator who keeps you up-to-speed and makes sure you’re aware of important updates.
  • Acts effectively and in a timely manner to prevent you from going through a complicated process.

Wherever you are in the country, our panel’s solicitors can help you. To learn more, you can contact us either over the phone or online.

Rail Accident Statistics

Rail accidents might be more common than you would initially think. According to statistics for Great Britain from the Office of Rail and Road, for the mainline, there were 9,839 workforce and non-workforce (passenger or public) injuries in the latest year between April 2022 and March 2023, an increase of 5% compared with the previous year.

Non-severe injuries were at 86%, an increase of 7% from 8,429 in the latest year. Severe injuries accounted for 13% of the total injuries, a decrease of 1,327 in the latest year, even though passenger journeys increased.

For London Underground, there were 4,572 employee and non-employee total injuries in the latest year, an increase of 20% compared with the previous year.

Slips, trips, and falls were the leading causes of injury at mainline stations for vistors, followed by accidents on the platform edge and contact with objects.

A person standing on a platform and holding a red carry case while a train passes.

How Many Train Crashes Occurred In The UK?

Great Britain did not experience any fatal train accidents from April 2022 to March 2023. Of the 270 accidents reported on the mainline 14 were described as potentially high-risk train accidents, 10 of these involved at least one passenger train. They were caused by:

  • Collisions with vehicles at level crossings.
  • Trains colliding with each other.
  • Derailment.
  • A crash into a buffer stop.

A train crash may be rare, but if an accident happened that caused you harm, you have the right to look into your legal options. Call today or get in touch online to have your potential railroad accident claim assessed.

What Rail Or Train Accidents Can I Claim For?

Train operators or station occupiers owe passengers a legal duty of care under The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This duty requires them to take any steps that keep visitors reasonably safe while on the premises.

A failure to uphold this duty could lead to an accident on a train. If this accident caused a passenger injury, they could be eligible to make a public liability claim.

Here are some illustrative examples of train accidents caused by a train operator or station occupier breaching their duty of care:

  • An automatic door on the train is faulty but is not fixed. It closes suddenly while a passenger is boarding and crushes their leg.
  • The platform is wet from cleaning, but railroad workers put out no signs. A person meeting a family member at the platform loses their footing on the wet floor, leading to their ankle and back being badly hurt.
  • A level crossing barrier and lights fail to work because a sensor is broken. This allows cars to cross when a train is approaching. A car is clipped by a train as it crosses, causing serious injuries to the driver and significant property damage.

If you’ve suffered injuries in an accident caused by a breached duty of care, a train accident lawyer could help you claim compensation. Call today to discuss your experience and an advisor can offer guidance on what further steps you could take.

You can get free guidance with no obligation to claim any time through any of these contact routes:

An automatic train door with the green open button visible in the foreground.

More Resources On Public Transport Accident Claims

These articles give further relevant information related to public transport injury claims:

  • Our bus accident claim guide discusses what financial compensation you could receive.
  • This guide to public transport injury cases looks at compensation you could get if an accident happened on a train or bus.
  • If you’ve lost earnings at work because of a public place injury, this guide explains when it is possible to seek loss of earnings compensation.

You can also get useful insight from these resources:

We hope this guide has helped you understand more about the help train accident victims can get. If you want to see if a train accident lawyer can help you, we’re ready to take your call or message.